The EKM system has a tag system that allows you to output data and editable content onto your website without any development experienced. These tags can be used to output data from your shop such as products and categories but also editable areas and logic statements which are useful throughout your shop's design.
The most complicated but most important tag on the EKM system is the ekm:showdata tag which allows you to output products, categories, special offers and related products. Because of its complexity we have created a unique tag builder. You can try this out on the ekm:showdata page.
- Term Description
- Attribute Tag
Attribute tags are EKM tags that are part of and go within other EKM tags. These tags are self-closing and typically look like
- Nested Tags
Nested Tags are EKM tags that can be placed within other EKM tags. For example you can nest a showdata tag within another showdata tag.
- Hexidecimal Colour Code
HEX colour codes are 6 digit long HTML codes that define a colour. They are preceded by a hash, for example
for Black. Sometimes these codes can be 3 digits long in their short-hand version. - Integer
A number that is not followed by a decimal place. Example
but NOT3.2
for example. - Boolean
A true or false answer either shown as
. EKM typically uses yes or no.
Colour Tags
- Tag Name Description
- [ekm:alinkcol]
Outputs a hexidecimal colour code for the link hover colour set in the design section of your account.
- [ekm:backcol]
Background colour tag, this outputs a hexidecimal colour code. This is also used in the checkout process to style the "Safe Shopping Guarantee" box.
- [ekm:backcol2]
Background colour 2 tag, this outputs a hexidecimal colour code. This is also used in the checkout process to style the "Safe Shopping Guarantee" box.
- [ekm:backcol3]
Background colour 3 tag, this outputs a hexidecimal colour code. This is also used in the checkout process to style the "Safe Shopping Guarantee" box.
- [ekm:background]
Outputs the background image uploaded to the design section of a shop.
- [ekm:colour]
Used to define hexidecimal colours in your design which can be set and edited from the "design" section of your account.
- [ekm:linkcol]
Outputs a hexidecimal colour code for the link default colour. This can be changed within the design section of your account.
- [ekm:textcol]
Outputs a hexidecimal colour code for the default text colour. This can be changed within the design section of your account.
- [ekm:vlinkcol]
Outputs a hexidecimal colour code for the visited link colour. This can be changed within the design section of your account.
Navigation Tags
Data Output Tags
- Tag Name Description
- [ekm:categoryid]
Outputs the category page ID for a category at a defined depth. Useful for dynamic category menus.
- [ekm:category_menu]
New Outputs a list of categories up to three levels deep which is ideal for displaying menus.
- [ekm:categorypagename]
Outputs the category page title for the category you are currently viewing or for a specific ID.
- [ekm:content]
Outputs the content for a page. This marker is where your main page, category page, product page, checkout pages etc will display.
- [ekm:currency_symbol]
Outputs the symbol for the currently selected currency.
- [ekm:minicart]
Outputs the current contents of a visitors shopping cart.
- [ekm:pageid]
Outputs the page ID for the page you are currently viewing.
- [ekm:pagetitle]
Outputs the title of the page you are currently viewing. If meta titles are enabled these will output instead.
- [ekm:page_type]
Outputs the page type for the page you are currently viewing.
- [ekm:shop_contact_details]
Outputs shop contact details.
- [ekm:show_webpages]
Outputs all webpages for the matched criteria.
- [ekm:showdata]
Outputs products, categories, related products or special offers for a given criteria.
- [ekm:sitename]
Outputs the name of your shop.
- [ekm:siteusername]
Outputs the username of your EKM shop. Useful for image paths.
- [ekm:add_to_wishlist_link]
Outputs a link that will add a product to the wishlist.
Editable Content Tags
- Tag Name Description
- [ekm:cart_custom_css]
CSS that will be injected into the cart page
- [ekm:element]
Outputs the element content of an editable area.
- [ekm:elementname]
Outputs the element title of an editable area.
- [ekm:favicon]
Outputs the favicon tag with an image you define within the backend of your EKM shop.
- [ekm:incategorydescription]
Outputs the incategory description for the category you are viewing.
Logic Tags
SEO Tags
Product Page Only Tags
- Tag Name Description
- [ekm:addtocart]
Outputs the add to cart button for the current product page.
- [ekm:add_to_wishlist]
New Outputs the add to wishlist button for the current product page.
- [ekm:emailtofriend]
Outputs a button or link to email the current product to a friend.
- [ekm:outofstockmessage]
Outputs a message when an item is out of stock.
- [ekm:productattributes]
Outputs the current product's list of product attributes If the 'Product Attributes' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:productbrand]
Outputs the current product's 'brand'. If the 'Product Attributes' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:productcategories]
Outputs the category names and links of any category the product is currently category managed into.
- [ekm:productcode]
Outputs the current product's 'product code'. If the 'Product Attributes' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:productcondition]
Outputs the current product's 'condition'. If the 'Product Attributes' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:productdescription]
Outputs the current product's full description
- [ekm:productend]
Outputs the form-end needed for the add to cart button, quantity and product options to work.
- [ekm:productimage]
Outputs the product images for the currently displayed product.
- [ekm:productname]
Outputs the name and edit buttons for the current product.
- [ekm:productoptions]
Outputs the product options and variants for the current product.
- [ekm:productprice]
Outputs the product's price.
- [ekm:productqty]
Outputs a quantity for the product.
- [ekm:productrrp]
Outputs the current product's 'RRP'. If the 'RRP' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:productsaving]
Outputs the current product's savings in percentage or currency values.
- [ekm:productshortdescription]
Outputs the current product's short description
- [ekm:productstart]
Outputs the form opening needed for the add to cart button, quantity and product options to work.
- [ekm:productstock]
Outputs an "In Stock", "Out Of Stock" or numeric value of the current stock level of the displaying product.
- [ekm:productweight]
Outputs the product's weight if set.
Feature Tags
- Tag Name Description
- [ekm:announcement_bar]
New Outputs a site wide bar containing a message to the customer as part of the Quick Announcement feature. It can also be used to add site-wide messaging to the Holiday Mode feature
- [ekm:captcha]
Outputs a form captcha on a page to detect whether the submitter is human or an automated script.
- [ekm:card_logos]
Outputs the credit card logos for any cards you set in the "Card Logos" feature.
- [ekm:changepassword]
Outputs a form to change the currently logged-in customer's password.
- [ekm:customerreviews]
Outputs the customer reviews for the current product. If the feature is enabled
- [ekm:customer_user_loyaltypoints]
New Outputs the number of loyalty points the logged in customer has.
- [ekm:backinstock]
Outputs a form for users to enter an email address to be notified when a product is back in stock.
- [ekm:loyaltypoints]
Outputs the number of loyalty points awarded for a product. If the 'Loyalty Points' feature is enabled.
- [ekm:newsletter]
Outputs the ekmResponse signup form when a response account is linked with an EKM account.
- [ekm:mobile_showitems]
Outputs what values are selected in the backend to be output on the mcommerce homepage.
- [ekm:product_urgency_countdown_timer]
New Outputs a digital clock style countdown. When the countdown has completed a message set within the feature may then display in its place.
- [ekm:product_urgency_free_delivery]
New Outputs a message about free delivery along with an amount. Once the shopper has more than the amount added to the cart the existing message will either disappear or change accordingly.
- [ekm:product_urgency_get_it_by_timer]
New Outputs a countdown and an expected date of delivery.
- [ekm:product_urgency_low_stock_bar]
New When the product stock is below a set threshold this tag will output a bar that will be more filled the closer the stock gets to zero.
- [ekm:securearea_login]
Outputs a customer login sections allowing users to login and see previous orders.
Backend Tags
- Tag Group Description
- Order Complete Tags
Output order and customer information on your order complete page.
- Outgoing Email Tags
Output order and customer information in emails to your customers.
- Abandon Cart Email Tags
Output details of the abandoned cart in emails to your customer.
- Back In-Stock Email Tags
Output product details for back in-stock emails.
- 11th July 2022
- [ekm:delivery_tracking_number] New tag to output the delivery tracking number assigned to the order.
- 11th July 2022
- [ekm:delivery_tracking_company] New tag to output the name of the delivery company tracking the order.
- 11th July 2022
- [ekm:delivery_tracking_url] New tag to output a URL to the page/service tracking the delivery the order.
- 11th July 2022
- [ekm:delivery_tracking_link] New tag to output a clickable link to the page/service tracking the delivery the order.
- 26th April 2019
- [ekm:add_to_wishlist] New tag to output a button on product pages to allow the product to be added to the customers wishlist.
- 1st March 2019
- [ekm:dialog] New tag to output a stylable dialog.
- [ekm:dialog_trigger] New tag to output the trigger to display a dialog.
- 6th June 2018
- [ekm:element] Added the new carousel element type.
attribute to change how new lines are output in reviews. - [ekm:customer_user_loyaltypoints] New tag to output the number of loyalty points when a customer is logged in.
Added new
attribute to change the format of the current date and time.