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EKM Tag: [ekm:siteusername]

The ekm:siteusername tag is used to output your EKM username within your site. This is typically used most often within file paths to your images and scripts. Using this tag makes your websites design much more transferable should you wish to have your design copied to another account.

This is a very popular tag with the ekmWebDesign team as it allows them to replace all instances of a username with this tag, then when the design is ready to placed live on a customers shop no changes need to be made to the code, making the process as smooth and problem free as possible.

  • Tag Information
  • Nesting This Tag
Basic Use
The tag will simply output your EKM username in plain text.

This outputs the following.
This tag is typically used to output the username within file paths making them dynamic. For example you may wish to use this within the path to an image.

<img src="/ekmps/shops/[ekm:siteusername][/ekm:siteusername]/resources/Design/my-ziiiro-watch-shop-logo.png"/>
This outputs the following.
<img src="/ekmps/shops/myziiiroshop/resources/Design/my-ziiiro-watch-shop-logo.png"/>

The EKM system allows for some tags to be nested within other tags.

Nesting This Tag

When nesting this tag you do not need to make any changes to it. It can be inserted into other tags like below.

        <img src="/ekmps/shops/[ekm:siteusername][/ekm:siteusername]/resources/Design/my-ziiiro-watch-shop-logo.png"/>