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EKM Order Complete Page Tags

These tags allow you to output customer and order information on the order complete page. They can be used to give the customer a summary of their order.

  • Tags
Order Number

This outputs the order number of the currently completed order.

Bank Transfer Details

This outputs the shop owner BACS details so a customer can pay via bank transfer.

Fax Number

This outputs the shop owner fax number so a customer can pay via fax.

Telephone Number

This outputs the shop owner telephone number so a customer can pay via telephone.

Cheque Details

This outputs the shop owner cheque details so a customer can pay via cheque.

Terms of Payment

This outputs the terms of payment so a customer can pay via purchase order.

Payment On Delivery

This outputs the details of payment on delivery.

Company Address

This outputs the shop owners company address. Useful for cheque and purchase order payments.

Order Subtotal

This outputs the sub total of the completed order.

Order Subtotal (Number Only)

This outputs the sub total of the completed order as a number only (no currency symbol).

Order Total Tax

This outputs the order tax total.

Order Total Tax (Number Only)

This outputs the order tax total as a number only (no currency symbol).

Order Total Delivery

This outputs the order delivery total.

Order Total Delivery (Number Only)

This outputs the order delivery total as a number only (no currency symbol).

Order Grand Total

This outputs the order grand total.

Order Grand Total (Number Only)

This outputs the order grand total as a number only (no currency symbol).

Full Customer Address

This outputs the customer's full billing address.

Customer's Email Address

This outputs the customer's email address.

Customer's Telephone

This outputs the customer's telephone number.

Customer's First Name

This outputs the customer's first name.

Customer's Last Name

This outputs the customer's last name.

Customer's Company

This outputs the customer's company name.

Customer's Address Line 1

This outputs the customer's address line 1.

Customer's Address Line 2

This outputs the customer's address line 2.

Customer's Town

This outputs the customer's town or city.

Customer's County

This outputs the customer's county.

Customer's Post Code

This outputs the customer's post code.

Customer's Country

This outputs the customer's country.

Customer's Country Name

This outputs the customer's country name.

Customer's Shipping First Name

This outputs the customer's shipping first name.

Customer's Shipping Last Name

This outputs the customer's shipping last name.

Customer's Shipping Company

This outputs the customer's shipping company name.

Customer's Shipping Address Line 1

This outputs the customer's shipping address line 1.

Customer's Shipping Address Line 2

This outputs the customer's shipping address line 2.

Customer's Shipping Town

This outputs the customer's shipping town or city.

Customer's Shipping County

This outputs the customer's shipping county.

Customer's Shipping Post Code

This outputs the customer's post code.

Customer's Shipping Country

This outputs the customer's shipping country.

Customer's Shipping Country Name

This outputs the customer's shipping country name.

Customer's Shipping Country Name

This outputs the customer's shipping country name.

Order Product Notes

This outputs the product notes for this order.

Transaction ID

This outputs the order's transaction ID.

Transaction Status

This outputs the order's transaction status.

Transaction Status Message

This outputs the order's transaction status message.

Loyalty Points Total

This outputs the total number of loyalty points a customer has.

Loyalty Points Value Total

This outputs the total number of loyalty points monetary value.

Loyalty Points Awarded

This outputs the total number of loyalty points award for this order.

Loyalty Points Awarded Value

This outputs the total monetary value of loyalty points award for this order.