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EKM Tag: [ekm:changepassword]

This tag is used to output a change password form on your shop. This allows logged in customers to change their account password. It could be used to display the form on a specific webpage or in a modal.

  • Tag Information
Basic Use
In it's basic use the tag will output the change password form with the default HTML and CSS.

Advanced Use
In it's advanced use you can specify your own surrounding HTML and CSS enabling you to fully customise how change password form looks.

    output_start='<div class="change-password">';
            <legend>Change Account Password</legend>
            <div> <label>[old_password_text]</label> [old_password] </div>
            <div> <label>[new_password_text]</label> [new_password] </div>
Tag Attributes
Output Start
output_start='<div class="change-password">';

Define any HTML you want to output before the change password form is output.

{user defined}
Specify your own HTML or TEXT.
Output Item

Define any HTML you want to surround elements in the change password form as well as the order you wish them to be displayed in.

{user defined}
Specify your own HTML or TEXT.
Outputs the title of the form. By default the title is "Change Password".
Outputs any error message on the page. Any feedback or validation errors are output with this attribute tag.
Outputs the field for the customers old password.
Outputs the field for the customers new password.
Outputs the submit button to submit the changed password.
Outputs the label for the old password field.
Outputs the label for the new password field.
Output End

Define any HTML you want to output after the change password form is output.

{user defined}
Specify your own HTML or TEXT.
Success Page

Define the URL to your own custom confirmation page. By default the user will be presented with the page the form is currently on.

{user defined}
Specify your own URL.