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ekmPowershop Tag: [ekm:shop_contact_details]

This tag is used to output shop details and contact information for your shop. This is useful for outputting your company address, company number and contact number. The details can be edited in your settings.

  • Tag Information
Basic Use
To use this tag include any CSS you want outputting only on the cart page inside it. This must be included within the main theme.

  output_start='<div class="ekm-contact-details">';
      {company_name}<b>[company_name]</b> <br>{/company_name}
      {address_line_1}[address_line_1] <br>{/address_line_1}
      {address_line_2}[address_line_2] <br>{/address_line_2}
      {town}[town] <br>{/town}
      {county}[county] <br>{/county}
      {postcode}[postcode] <br>{/postcode}
      {country}[country] <br>{/country}
  output_end='</div><!-- ekm-contact-details -->';
This outputs the following.
EKM Systems Ltd
77 Golden Hill Lane
PR25 3FF
United Kingdom
Tag Attributes
Output Start
output_start='<div class="ekm-contact-details">';

Specify any HTML or text you want to output before any of the values are output.

{user defined}
Define any opening HTML or Titles to go before the contact details.
Output Item
output_item='{company_name}[company_name],{/company_name} {address_line_1}[address_line_1], {/address_line_1}{address_line_2}[address_line_2], {/address_line_2}{town}[town], {/town}{postcode}[postcode], {/postcode}{country}[country]{/country}';

Specify which contact details should be output by this tag.

Outputs the company name
Outputs the address line 1
Outputs the address line 2
Outputs the town or city.
Outputs the county or state
Outputs the postcode or zipcode
Outputs the country
Outputs the shop name
Outputs the full name
Outputs the first name
Outputs the last name
Outputs the email
Outputs the telephone number
Outputs the a copyright notice
Output End

Specify any HTML or text you want to output after any of the values are output.

{user defined}
Define any opening HTML or Titles to go after contact details.