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EKM Tag: [ekm:product_urgency_low_stock_bar]

This tag is tactic of the Product Urgency feature. When the product stock is below a set threshold this tag will output a bar that will be more filled the closer the stock gets to zero.

  • Tag Information
Basic Use
The tag will output a bar that is filled the closer the stock gets to zero.

This outputs the following.
Product Urgency Low Stock Bar
In most cases you would use this tag to create urgency on your product page regarding the amount of stock left available.

	output_item='[bar]<p>Only <strong>[stock]</strong> left in Stock</p>';

This outputs the following.
Tag Attributes
Output Start

Define any HTML you wish to be output before the tactic. This will only output if there is a tactic to output.

{user defined}
Define any opening HTML or Titles to go before the Low Stock Bar.
Output Item
output_item='[bar]<p>Only <strong>[stock]</strong> left in Stock</p>';

Define any HTML you want to output in tandem with the stock bar and stock value

Outputs the stock bar.
Outputs the current stock level
Output End

Define any HTML you wish to be output after the tactic has been output.

{user defined}
Define any closing HTML to be displayed after the tactic.
Product ID

Specify the ID of a specifc product you'd like to output the tactic for. When on a product page you can use the value auto.

The EKM system allows for some tags to be nested within other tags.

Nesting This Tag

When nesting this tag you do not need to make any changes to it. It can be inserted into other tags like below.
