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EKM Tag: [ekm:checkout]

This tag outputs an HTML link which goes to the checkout page of your EKM shop. This link's text can be changed from the "Design" section of your EKM account.

Note: The checkout link will lead to the checkout page. However if your shop has delivery option set and your customer has not yet selected an option they will be lead to a page with an error. If you wish to have a "checkout" link but use delivery options we advise creating a HTML link which leads to the "Shopping Cart" page (index.asp?function=CART) to avoid this error.

  • Tag Information
  • Nesting This Tag
Basic Use
This tag will just output a link to the checkout page. It's text can be changed from without in the design section.

This would output something like...

The EKM system allows for some tags to be nested within other tags.

This tag cannot be nested within other tags