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EKM Tag: [ekm:date]

This tag is used to output the current date on the page.

  • Tag Information
  • Nesting This Tag
Basic Use
The tag will output, in plain text, the current date.

This outputs the following.
Wednesday 13-Mar-1989
Advanced Use
The tag will output, in plain text, the current date.

This outputs the following.
Tag Attributes

Specify the format you want the date and time to output.

Outputs the current year in full. Example: 2018
Outputs the current year as shorthand. Example: 18
Outputs the current month as a number. Example: 02
Outputs the current month in full. Example: June
Outputs the current month as shorthand. Example: Jun
Outputs the current day of the month as a number. Example: 23
Outputs the current day of the month's ordinal indicator. Example: st, nd, rd or th
Outputs the current day of the year. Example: 54
Outputs the current day of the week as a number. Example: 0 for Sunday or 5 for Friday.
Outputs the current day of the week in full. Example: Friday
Outputs the current day of the week as shorthand. Example: Fri
Outputs the current hour in 24 hour format. Example: 23
Outputs the current hour in 12 hour format. Example: 11
Outputs the current minute. Example: 01
Outputs the current minute unless it is 00, in which case it's blank. Example: 12
Outputs the current second. Example: 55
Outputs the time as AM/PM. Example: PM

The EKM system allows for some tags to be nested within other tags.

Nesting This Tag

When nesting this tag you do not need to make any changes to it. It can be inserted into other tags like below.
