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EKM Tag: [ekm:page_type]

This tag will output the name for the type of page you are currently on. This is useful for including in classes to define page specific CSS.

  • Tag Information
Basic Use
This tag outputs a simple

Tag Attributes
Output Start

Specify any text or html to output before the page type.

{user defined}
Define any opening HTML to go before the page type.
Output Item

Specify how you want each page type to be output.

The type attribute can output any of the following names...
main - The homepage
category - A category page
product - A product page
webpage - A shop webpage
cart - The shop's cart page
search - The shop's search results page
general - A system webpage for pages like sitemap, terms and conditions, etc

Outputs the name of the page type.
Output End

Specify any text or html to output after the page type.

{user defined}
Define any opening HTML to go after the page type.