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EKM Tag: [ekm:colour]

This tag is used to output a HEX colour in a shop's theme. It offers unlimited colours and the ability to name and describe the colour which can be displayed in the theme's colour section in the backend of your online shop.

  • Tag Information
Basic Use
In it's basic use the tag will output the colour for the colour reference.

Advanced Use
In it's advanced use it can output the colour set in the backend, if that colour hasn't been set it will output a tag defined default.

    colour_name='Menu Background Colour';
    colour_description='The background of the main menu.';
Tag Attributes
Colour Reference

Define the reference of the colour you want to output. If this colour needs to be different from another colour on your shop this should be unique.

{user defined}
Specify your own reference.
Colour Name
colour_name='Menu Background Colour';

Define a user readable colour title to be displayed in the theme section of your EKM shop.

{user defined}
Specify your own colour title.
Colour Description
colour_description='The background of the main menu.';

Define a user readable colour description to be displayed in the theme section of your EKM shop.

{user defined}
Specify your own colour description.
Default Colour

Define a fallback colour for this tag. If no colour is set within the theme section of your shop this default colour will output instead.

{user defined}
Specify a HEX colour code.