EKM Tag: [ekm:sort_by]
This tag is used to output filtering controls for narrowing down a list of products. Product attributes are used to allow a customer to filter through all products on a category page.
- Tag Information
unsorted_text='Most popular';
latest_in_text='What's new';
price_ascending_text='Price low to high';
price_descending_text='Price high to low';
name_ascending_text='Name A to Z';
name_descending_text='Name Z to A';
include_list='latest-in, price-ascending, price-descending, name-ascending, name-descending';
Allows you to prevent the ekm product sort javascript from being output when parsing the tag.
Without the javascript you will need to provided a button to allow users to submit the form.
Define the showdata tag ID that will be sorted. If the "include_javascript" attribute has a value of "no" then this attribute has no effect.
The URL of the loading image that is displayed during sorting.
unsorted_text='Most Popular';
Specify the text you wish to output for the default option.
latest_in_text='Latest In';
Specify the text you wish to output for the latest in option in the sort by.
price_ascending_text='Price: Low to High';
Specify the text you wish to output for the price low to high option in the sort by.
price_descending_text='Price: High to Low';
Specify the text you wish to output for the price high to low option in the sort by.
name_ascending_text='Name: A-Z';
Specify the text you wish to output for the name a-z option in the sort by.
name_descending_text='Name: Z-A';
Specify the text you wish to output for the name z-a option in the sort by.
include_list='latest-in, price-ascending';
Specify which options you would like to output in the sort by list.
output_start='<div class="sort-by">';
Define any HTML you wish to be output before the sort by dropdown.
Define any HTML you wish to be output after the sort by dropdown.
Define a javascript function in global scope to be called when the sort by has changed.
Define a javascript function in global scope to be called when the sort by has begun calling the reordered products.
Define a javascript function in global scope to be called when the filter has finished calling the reordered products.